Disposal of Execution Proceedings within Six Months of Filing

The Supreme Court of India on 22nd April 2021 issued directions for the expediating the execution proceedings and their disposal within six months of filing. This bench was compelled to issue directions in this regard after hearing petitions and appeals from a property execution suit that lasted for 14 years. The court dismissed the petition […]
Supreme Court Direction on Section 138 Matters being heard expeditiously

The Supreme Court of India on 16th April 2021 took a revolutionary step to evolve a concerted and coordinated method to deal with the humongous pending cases relating to cheque bouncing. It took suo moto cognizance to devise a mechanism for expeditious adjudication of such cases under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (“the Act”).1 It […]
The 3 P’s of Data Privacy: Personalise, Privatise and Protect

“Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn’t be the price we accept for just getting on the internet.” – Gary Kovacs The internet has given birth to entirely new markets which deal in the collection, organization, and processing of personal information, whether directly, or as a critical component of various business model. India presently does […]