An Analysis Of The Concept Of Cybersquatting & Legal Issues Pertaining To Trademarks In India



In the contemporary digital age, cybersquatting is a relatively new practice which poses a significant threat to intellectual property. Cybersquatting refers to an act of buying or registration or use of an internet domain name in bad faith, predominantly with an intention to profit from a well-established trademark’s reputation. The concept of cybersquatting emerged from the interaction between the internet and intellectual property law,  specifically trademark law. In India, these issues have gained critical relevance, warranting comprehensive examination. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), is the international body that manages domain names, maintains a framework to handle such disputes, known as the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).

However, given that cybersquatting largely treads the lines of Trademark Law, it has been subject to the jurisdictional application of individual countries, including India. This article delves into the concept of cybersquatting and its legal implications especially from the angle of trademark law. Moreover, we will deal with cybersquatting within the Indian context by examining existing legal framework and precedent. Finally, the article will conclude by giving certain recommendations for policy reforms to help combat the issue of cybersquatting.

Cybersquatting In The Indian Context

In the Indian context, the Information Technology Act, 2000 in conjunction with the Trademarks Act, 1999 primarily deal with the issues pertaining to cybersquatting. However, there are considerable ambiguities and lacunae in the legislation that render it considerably ineffective in dealing with cybersquatting cases. Unlike certain jurisdictions, such as the United States, which has specific laws to deal with cybersquatting i.e., the Anti cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), India does not have a dedicated legislative provision addressing this issue currently. Cybersquatting presents a significant challenge to trademark owners as it can result in substantial commercial losses, dilution of the brand image, and erosion of consumer trust.

Let us take the example of Tata Sons Ltd v. Manu Kosuri & Ors, the defendants registered multiple domain names incorporating the well-known trademark mark ‘TATA’. The Delhi High Court, recognising the defendant’s mala fide intent to profit unlawfully from the established goodwill of the Tata trademark, decreed in favour of Tata Sons. Although many other cases followed this line of reasoning which are discussed later, in the absence of a dedicated legislative framework, the only legal recourse to counter cybersquatting in India is through interpretations and precedents.

As we venture deeper into the internet age, the need for comprehensive, holistic, and contextually relevant legislation addressing the issue of cybersquatting is becoming increasingly critical. The subsequent sections will further explore the legal framework and precedents set by the Indian courts in the context of cybersquatting. At face value, cybersquatting may seem like a technological or commercial issue; however, it represents a crucial facet of intellectual property rights. By safeguarding these rights in the digital landscape, India can provide a conducive environment for innovation, competition, and digital growth.

Existing Legal Framework & Precedents

The contemporary approach to tackling issues pertaining to cybersquatting in India, in the absence of any explicit legislative provision, relies on the understanding of the IT Act and Trademark Act. The Trademark Act offers some provisions to counteract cybersquatting indirectly, notably under the purview of trademark infringement and passing off. Section 29 of the Trademark Act states that the use of a registered trademark, or a mark similar to it, by an unauthorized party in a manner that is likely to cause confusion or deception amounts to infringement. Therefore, in the context of domain names, if an individual registers a domain identical or deceptively similar to a registered trademark, it could constitute infringement. For example, in the case of Rediff Communication Ltd v Cyberbooth & Anr, the Bombay High Court held that the domain name ‘Radiff’ constituted an infringement upon the plaintiff’s trademark ‘Rediff’. The High Court further stated that in the online world, a domain name not only serves as an address but also an identifier of the entity, thus assimilating it with the concept of a trademark. However, the lack of any explicit references to domain names and cybersquatting in the Trademark Act, leaves considerable ambiguity and inconsistency in its application. For example, the Trademark Act does not clearly define what ‘use in the course of trade’ means in the digital realm, resulting in subjective interpretations.

Further, the provisions of the IT Act, specifically Section 43 and Section 66, deal with unauthorized access and damage to computer systems and data respectively, may be invoked in cases of cybersquatting. However, these provisions were primarily enacted to address cybercrimes like hacking, data theft, and virus attacks, which limits their efficacy in cybersquatting cases. It is pertinent to note that the Indian courts have also relied on principles of common law, notably passing off, to tackle cybersquatting. For example, in the case of Yahoo Inc. v. Akash Arora & Anr, the court held that the use of a domain name that is deceptively similar to the plaintiff’s trademark could lead to passing off. The court asserted that a domain name is more than a mere internet address and serves the function of a corporate identifier, thus necessitating protection under trademark principles.

Recently, the courts have tried to evolve the scope of protection granted under Trademark Law in cases pertaining to cybersquatting. For example, in Sholay Media Entertainment & Anr v. Yogesh Patel and Others, the defendant registered domain names using the well-known trademark “Sholay” and were trying to profit off the goodwill of the mark. The court refused to accept the defendant’s argument that film titles are not entitled to protection by ruling in favour of the complainant who claimed “Sholay” to be a well-known trademark. Although existing legislative provisions and judicial interpretations are evolving and providing some respite, they are falling short of delivering a comprehensive solution to the issue of cybersquatting. The absence of a dedicated legal framework leads to piecemeal and fragmented solutions that fail to address the crux of the issue comprehensively.

In the next section, we will explore the lacunae in the current legislative framework and suggest policy reforms that could help enhance the effectiveness of India’s approach to cybersquatting.

Legislative Lacunae & Recommendations For Policy Reforms

While India has made significant progress in addressing the issue of cybersquatting through the existing legal framework, there is still scope for improvement. The absence of any comprehensive and specific law addressing cybersquatting is concerning. This absence is directly responsible for the inconsistent judgments, jurisdictional issues, and limited protection for unregistered but well-known trademarks. One of the primary issues in the Indian legislative context is the dichotomy of issue pertaining to jurisdiction. Domain names are globally accessible, which often leads to cross-border disputes. The issue of jurisdiction in such instances is difficult to address and remains a contentious point. It is imperative to have clear guidelines that define the parameters of jurisdiction, akin to the rules stipulated in Article 3 of the UDRP. Another budding issue is the inadequate protection for unregistered but well-known trademarks. Although Section 11(6) to 11(9) of the Trademark Act provides for protection of well-known trademarks, the lack of specific provisions for unregistered trademarks in cybersquatting disputes creates inconsistency and ambiguity. This gap could be addressed by adopting provisions similar to the UDRP, which recognises unregistered trademarks, subject to certain conditions, for example the requirement of distinctive character of the mark.

The lack of a uniform standard of evidence in cybersquatting disputes also adds to the ambiguity. India could consider adopting a three-pronged test which is utilised in the UDRP or ACPA, assessing the registrant’s rights or legitimate interests in the domain name, the bad faith involved, and the domain’s confusing similarity to the trademark. It goes without saying that India requires a dedicated legislation or at least a comprehensive and specific amendment of the existing laws that specifically tackle the issue of cybersquatting. Some suggestions which might help alleviate the problem are as follows:


  • An unequivocal definition of cybersquatting and its incorporation as a separate cause of action under the Trademark Act and/or the IT Act.
  • Guidelines for establishing the relevant jurisdiction in domain name disputes.
  • Recognition and protection of unregistered but well-known trademarks.
  • A uniform, clearly articulated standard of evidence in cybersquatting cases.

Apart from legislative reforms, there is also a need for awareness about intellectual property rights among internet users in India. This could be accomplished through government initiatives and public-private partnerships aimed at promoting digital literacy and intellectual property rights education.


 In conclusion, cybersquatting continues to be an issue in the digital world and a pressing concern for domain users and trademark owners. As India continues its journey towards digital transformation, tackling the issue of cybersquatting is crucial for fostering innovation, competition and protecting intellectual property rights. While the current legal framework provides moderate amount of redressal, it is insufficient in the face of the evolving digital landscape. A dedicated, comprehensive legislative framework, combined with increased awareness and education, is an absolute necessity for combating the issue of cybersquatting.

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